9.3 Assign sales agents to Customers

Search your customer using the customer search feature or choose the customer from the customer search page. 

    1. On the sales contact tab, click on Edit

    2. Fill in all the details as the below figure. This will create a sales agent login. 

Figure 1 shows how to add the sales agent contact

    3. This will add the sales agent contact associated with the customer and create the sales agent login 

    4. To associate the sales agent with the customer, click on the summary tab and click Edit

Figure 2 shows to edit the Summary tab 

    5. Click on "Show Commissionable Sales Agents" 


Figure 3 shows how to add sales agent to the customer

    6. Choose the sales agent, Choose the plan for the customer and choose the start date

Figure 4 shows how to add sales agent to the customer, choose plan and start date

    7. Click on UPDATE