Salesforce CRM Connector Installation and Configuration

This section covers the installation process for the BluSynergy Salesforce app. 


1. Install Package

After logging into, click on the link below to begin the installation process.

BluSynergy Salesforce Connector Version 1.4

BluSynergy Salesforce Connector Version 1.6 is required only if you are using Person Accounts (B2C model) in Salesforce and in this case, use this URL to install the package into any organization:

Note: If you are installing into a sandbox organization, then use this link (note the initial portion of the URL with "")

Fig 1.1. below displays the components included in the package. Fill Password and click on Submit

    (Note : To obtain the password contact with Blusynergy Support at

Fig 1.1. Package Installation

Fig 1.2. below displays the components included in the package. Click on Continue

Fig 1.2. Package Installation

Fig 1.3 Click on Next

Fig 1.3. Package Installation

2. Configure Access Level

In the next step you are prompted for the Security Level. Select Grant Access to all Users and click Next to continue. If you wish to give only specific users access to the billing and payment information, then you may create a Salesforce Profile with the appropriate permissions (please review the Salesforce documentation on how to configure this). You may also choose to use Salesforce Permission Sets.

Fig 2.1 Security Level

Click on Install to Install Package

Fig 2.2 Install Package

3. Confirm Installation Complete

Once the package is installed, a confirmation message similar to the one in the figure below will appear. You may click the "View Components" button to see the custom objects created so that you can decide on permissions and security controls.

The next step is to create a new "Remote Site". Click on "Remote Site Settings" as show in the image

    Fig 3.1 Install Complete.

4. Create New Remote Site

This security related step is to instruct your Salesforce instance that you permit access to the BluSynergy applications.

Click on "New Remote Site" as shown in the image below

    Fig 4.1 Remote Site Settings

Enter BluSynergy_Billing_Site in the Name and BluBilling site url of your organization in the Remote Site URL. This will be of the form:



    Fig 4.1 Remote Site Settings

The following screen shows the Remote Site after it has been created.

    Fig 4.2 Remote Site Settings

5. Configure BluSynergy For Salesforce

This step directs the mode for BluSynery to communicate with your Salesforce instance. 

Login to your BluSynergy system and navigate to [System >> IntegrationSettings >> SalesforceCRM]

and configure as appropriate for your organization.

Make sure you are able to save your settings successfully.

Fig 5.1. Configure BluSynergy.

Note that creating the username and password on the above screen is equivalent to going to the [System >> Staff Members] screen and creating a User with the "Web Service Programmatic API Access" security role.

6. Create a "Connected App" in Saleforce

After you configure your Remote Site (for outbound access from Salesforce to BluSynergy), you now need to configure inbound access (from BluSynergy to Salesforce) by creating a "Connected App". You must perform this action while logged into Salesforce as the user under whose security context you want the BluSynergy API to operate.

This implies that all Invoices, Payments, etc will be owned by this Salesforce user, and from a security standpoint, this is the only user that must be given read-write access to the BluSynergy custom objects like Invoice, Payment, etc. 

Go to Apps page by clicking on the link in left menu as shown in the image below.

    Fig 6.1 Create connecting App

Then click on "New" Button to start creating a Connected App.

    Fig 6.2 Create connecting App

Now create a connected app using the appropriate values for your organization

Make sure the call back Url is in this form (replace "yourcompany" with your assigned url or domain prefix):

    Fig 6.3 Enter details for the Connected App

Now obtain the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret which will be used later to authorize the app.

    Fig 6.4 Settings for the Connected App

    Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are generated. 

    Fig 6.5 API Authentication settings for the Connected App

Note that you may get a message

7. Configure Connector Options

Now switch back to Salesforce to configure the options you wish to enable inside Salesforce. Navigate to the "+" tab and click the "BluSynergy" link as shown in the circled areas below

Fig 7.1. Navigating to the connector configuration

If you're upgrading from an older version, you may already have an entry as seen in Fig 7.2b below (in which case you may simply click "Edit"), else use the "New" button to create a new entry as seen in Fig. 7.2a below.

Fig. 7.2a. Configuring the BluSynergy parameters for the first time.

Enter these values:

Fig 7.2b. Click on the "Edit" button to change the default settings if you already have an entry

Fig 7.3. below shows the various options available for the connector. Note that these settings apply to all Salesforce users that have authorization to view the connector. 

Fig 7.3. Configuration options for the connector.

After you save the above settings, go back to the previous screen and click on the link "Configure Inbound Integration". Enter the Salesforce Consumer Key and Salesforce Consumer Secret obtained from Step 5.

Click on "Verify" Button to complete the authorization process.

Notes: To make verification successful, you'll need to authorize the app in your organization, your profile, or your user.

Fig 7.4: Configure Connector Options

After successful verification you will be asked for permission to allow BluSynergy's requests. Click on "Allow".

You will be redirected to Thank you page.

Note: If you see this error:


Then the typical cause is that the callback URL in In step #6 Create a "Connected App" in Saleforce does not tally with the endpoint URL in fig 7.3 above.

8. Configure Account Screen

In order to have the BluSynergy features show up on the Salesfoce "Account" page, you have two options:

Fig 8.1 Assigning Page Layout by Profile

Fig 8.2 Account View Mapping in

Fig 8.3 Account View Mapping in

    fig 8.4 dragging fields and buttons onto account page.

fig 8.5 account page with new fields added.

9. Configure the Workflow to Map the Appropriate Salesforce field to the BluSynergy Customer Account Number

There needs to be a single field in your Salesforce Account object that maps to the BluSynergy Customer Account Number. A workflow is utilized to copy this user defined field into the "BluSynergy Customer No" field in the Salesforce Account object. This field is automatically created by the connector during installation.

Go to [SetUp >> Build >> Create >> Workflow and Approvals >> Workflow Rules >> New Rule] and 

Fig 9.1. Blusynergy workflow for Salesforce connector

Then, continue with the following steps:

Fig 9.2. Blusynergy workflow for Salesforce connector

Once you add 'field updates', it will be displayed in the Workflow field updates table.

10. Synchronize the IDs for your existing Customers/Accounts

If you have existing "Customers" in BluSynergy or "Accounts" in Salesforce that need to be mapped, then you will need to perform a data synchronization so that the system identifiers from each system is cross populated in the other system. Contact professional services for this task.

11. Create Salesforce Tabs for Invoices and Payments 

Go to [Setup >> Create >> Tabs >> Custom Object Tabs(section) >> New >> Select Object and Style >> Next >> Add to profiles-> Next->Save.

fig 11.1 creating custom tabs

 Select the object and create new tab.

fig 11.2 select object

Click on "Next" and finish creating custom tabs.

This concludes the setup and configuration process. 

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