Home Page

The eBill Home Page provides a snapshot of the company's Billing and Payments. 

The Invoice graph represents the amounts invoiced for a particular period. Filters may be used to show  invoiced amounts on a day to day basis or on a monthly basis. Further, the graph is color coded proving information on Paid vs Outstanding Invoices.

The Payments graph,<<what does it do?>>

Aside from the graphs, the homepage gives you the daily Invoiced amounts, Payments received and the Outstanding balance. Also tells you the number of Declined Payments, Expiring Credit cards and Overdue Bills. Click though  these links for more detailed views.

The Search box allows you to search for Customer, Invoice or Payment.

The Recent Transactions section as the name suggests, lists the most recent Customers created, Invoices generated, Payments received and Credits and Refunds provided.

<<pic once there are a few transactions>>