4.3 Invoice API

4.3.1. Retrieve Invoice:

Returns this object graph: Invoice, InvoiceLineItem, InvoiceLineItemCharge

GET /rest/invoice/[id]?format={xml| pdf| html}
GET /rest/invoice?format= {xml| pdf| html}&invoiceNumber=[value]

<invoice id="2">

  <delegatedInvoice id="5" />



  <customer id="13" />

  <currency id="USD" />







    <subscriptionOrder id="9" />

    <subscriptionOrder id="10" />








    <invoiceLineItem id="2">


      <invoiceText>Monthly subscription - Anti Virus and Spam Bundle</invoiceText>




        <invoiceLineItemCharge id="3">



          <contractCharge id="3" />



          <chargeDate />



          <orderLineItem id="13" />


          <unitOfMeasure />

          <invoiceText>Setup fee</invoiceText>

          <pricingTier id="7" />





       <invoiceLineItemCharge id="4">







     <subscriptionOrder id="10" />





 <invoicePayments />

 <notes />



4.3.2. Retrieve Invoice List:

Returns a paged list of Invoices. The invoices are sorted in descending order by dueDate. Either the internal CustomerId or the Customer Account Number (extCustomerRef) may be used to query for a single customer's invoices.
Defaults used if the query string parameters are missing:    

GET /rest/invoices?format=xml&offset=[n]&max=[m]&status=[status]&customerId=[id]

GET /rest/invoices?format=xml&offset=[n]&max=[m]&status=[status]&extCustomerRef=[customerNumber]&createStartTime=[YYYYMMDDHHmm]&createEndTime=[YYYYMMDDHHmm]&updateStartTime=[YYYYMMDDHHmm]&updateEndTime=[YYYYMMDDHHmm]

Sample Output:


  <invoice id="1">



  <invoice id="2">




4.3.3. Cancel Invoice:

While an Invoice cannot be deleted (for financial audit reasons), you may cancel an invoice that is in the "outstanding" status. This changes the status of the Invoice to Cancelled and reverses the invoice amount from the Customer's account balance. The REST calls for cancelling an invoice use the HTTP DELETE operation:

DELETE /rest/invoice/[id]?suspendOrders=true&cancelOrders=true&rollbackBillingPeriod=true





radio button 1 which signifies cancel the current invoice and don't make any change to underlying orders (the NextBillDate for the order line items will not change)


radio button 2 which signifies cancel the current invoice and change the underlying order(s) so that the NextBillDate is rolled back. 



radio button 3 which signifies cancel the invoice and also cancel the  orders as well. There will be no more invoices generated from these order(s).

Response XML



    <message>Invoice 1120 has been cancelled.</message>


4.3.4. Create Invoice:

Here we can have either customerRef or customerId in the url parameter

POST - /rest/invoices?extCustomerRef=12345 

     - /rest/invoices?customerId=123

Sample Payload











<invoiceText>3 month subscription for Assessments-Copy</invoiceText>









<invoiceText>GenWatt Diesel 10kW</invoiceText>

















