4.6 Plans API

4.6.1. Retrieve Plan and Contract Charges:

Given a id or a contractCode, this returns the XML graph for the Plan (ContractOffering). The graph also includes the Charges (ContractCharges) as well as its child PricingTier objects.

GET /rest/plan/[id]?format=xml

GET /rest/plan? format=xml&contractCode=[code]

4.6.2. Retrieve Plan List:

Gets a list of all Plans for the current Organization
The 'excludeCharges' switch will list the plans without the ContractCharges.

GET /rest/plans?format=xml&offset=[n]&max=[m]

GET /rest/plans?excludeCharges=1


  <contractOffering id="2">

    <startDate />


      <contractCharge id="1">






          <pricingTier id="1">


            <percent />


            <contractCharge id="1" />


            <currency id="USD" />





          <pricingTier id="2">


            <percent />


            <contractCharge id="1" />


            <currency id="USD" />





          <pricingTier id="3">


            <percent />


            <contractCharge id="1" />


            <currency id="USD" />









        <invoiceText>Annual license fee</invoiceText>



        <standardQuantity />


        <maxQuantity />

        <taxCodes />





        <notes />





    <invoiceText>Annual subscription - Anti Virus and Spam Bundle</invoiceText>


    <endDate />


    <name>Anti Virus & Spam protection - annual bundle</name>



    <notes>Max savings with this option</notes>

    <productOffering id="3" />





  <contractOffering id="3">



      <contractCharge id="6">






          <pricingTier id="14">

            <unitsTo />

            <percent />


            <contractCharge id="6" />


            <currency id="USD" />



            <unitsFrom />




        <unitOfMeasure />


        <invoiceText>Setup fee</invoiceText>



        <standardQuantity />


        <maxQuantity />

        <taxCodes />





        <notes>Setup Fee</notes>

        <minQuantity />




    <invoiceText>Anti Virus protection - monthly subscription</invoiceText>




    <name>Anti Virus protection - monthly</name>



    <notes>Pay monthly for Anti Virus</notes>

    <productOffering id="1" />






Note: Plans cannot be created or updated via the API. Please use the GUI to perform these actions.
