A. Avalara Integration Settings:
To configure this, follow the steps below:
Navigate to [System > Integration Settings > Sales Tax Configuration] from the menu bar.
You will be shown with following screen
Fig A.1.1
Enter the details as required:
After entering the details, you may click on the “Test Settings” to validate the configuration. Then click on the “Update” button to save the settings for Avalara integration
B. Mapping Price Code for each Charge:
The BluSynergy “Charges” are mapped to Avalara “Items” which can then be mapped to Avalara “Tax Codes”. The former mapping is performed inside BluSynergy, whereas the latter mapping is performed inside Avalara. The following table depicts a sample configuration for a web hosting enterprise that offers an annual and monthly Plan. This example depicts how revenue for monthly storage changes (STOR) may be tracked separately from the revenue for annual storage (STOR-PREPAID), even though they map to the same Tax code.
Specifically, the “Price Code” field of each Charge in BluSynergy maps to Avalara’s “Item Code” field for each Item. Each Item has an associated “Tax Code” field.
Let’s see the Price codes present in “Avalara product”. To do this follow below steps:
In the Avalara product, navigate to [Organization > click on your Company Name > Items], click on items.
It will show the price code list as below
Fig B.1.1
We can see the price codes “MO-CHRG” in the above list, marked with red circle. These are the price codes of Charges present in BluSynergy product
Now let’s check this in BluSynergy,Follow the steps:
In BluSynergy, Navigate to [Plans > Plans and Charges] menu from the main menu bar. Click on it
Fig B.1.2
You will see the list of Products, Plans and Charges. Select corresponding Product and Plan, and then the system displays the Charges for this Plan. You can then click on “Edit” for any Charge
Fig B.1.3
The Edit Charge screen is shown below, note the “Price Code” matches up with the Avalara “Item Code” and that the “External Tax Lookup”option (under the “Show Advanced Options” link) is checked. Note that if the “External Tax Lookup”option is not selected, then this implies that this item is not taxable
Fig B.1.4
Now we can see the price codes (“MO-CHRG”) here in Fig B.1.4 in the Charges section marked with red circle
Fig B.1.6
We can see the mapping of this Charge and also the Tax codes in Avalara. Navigate to [Organization > Tax codes]
Fig B.1.7
Also the Charge code mapping by clicking on the Charge code (MO-CHRG here)
Fig B.1.8
C. Tax Exempt Customers:
We can exempt a Customer from paying Tax for certain criteria. This can be done by selecting the “Tax types” to be exempted in the Customer settings
Tax Exempt types: These are loaded from the Tax configuration. To make use of this for a Customer, follow the steps
Navigate to [Home] > scroll down and click on “Customers” > select any Customer and click on it > click on “view details”
Fig C.1.1
Now the Customer page is displayed, in the Customer menu bar click on Summary tab > click on “Edit”
Fig C.1.2
Now the Summary edit page is displayed, here scroll down and click on “Show advanced options” and again scroll down, you will find a field labelled with “External Tax Exemption”
Fig C.1.3
So all these options are loaded from the configuration settings page. Select any option to exempt the Customer from paying Tax for that particular type and click on “Update”